
Android-008 lollipop化(Nexus7)

10.Nexus7 (2012 Model:ME370T)lollipop編

前出の Android-006 root化(Nexus6)と同様に、
に引き続いてNexus7 (2012版)をlollipop Androidバージョン:5.0.2 ビルド番号:LRX22Gにアップデートした。
これは以前の Nexus7-01 4.2.2(JDQ39) からの更新だ。

[Change]ボタンで、Your model type:アップデート前の現バージョンNexus7(Wi-Fi Tablet)とAndroid:4.2.2 Build:JDQ39を選ぶ。

[Full Driver Installation Guide - Automatic + Manual]ボタンでStep4[Full Driver Test]をSuccess!の動作確認する。

(2)メインパネルの[Flash Stock+Unroot]ボタンを押す。
Android:5.0.2 Build:LRX22Gを選ぶ。

(2-1)Factory imageは、'Force Flash Mode' でLRX22GのStock ROMをFlashする。

(2-1)Factory imageはすでにダウンロードされていた。ファイル名はnakashi-lrx22g-factory-2291c36b.tgzのはず。

sending 'bootloader' (2100 KB)...
OKAY [  0.296s]
writing 'bootloader'...
FAILED (remote: (InvalidState))
finished. total time: 0.452s
rebooting into bootloader...
OKAY [  0.016s]
finished. total time: 0.016s

(2-2)Flash Stockの成功したか。NAKASI-GROUPER: Android 5.0.2 - Build:LRX22Gが書き込めたように見える。

ここでこんどもCustom Recoveryにチェックをいれた。

(3-1)Enjoy your rooted device ^_^がでた。

(4)NRT - Live Log このFlash Stock時の一連のログの記録。
Information: Checking ADB/FASTBOOT Connectivity
adb devices
adb server is out of date.  killing...
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached 
MySerialNo device

fastboot devices

Connectivity Status: ADB Device Connected
Information: Rebooting your device into bootloader mode...
adb reboot bootloader

Information: Checking Fastboot Connectivity
fastboot devices
MySerialNo fastboot

Connectivity Status: Fastboot Device Connected
Launching flashstock.bat
Nexus Root Toolkit v2.0.4

- LatestToolkitFiles.ini 3013
- AndroidDeviceListFull.ini 3013
- AndroidDeviceListFlash.ini 3013

NAKASI-GROUPER: Android 5.0.2 - Build: LRX22G

Live log initiated [2015-03-09]:

Information: Checking ADB Connectivity
adb devices
List of devices attached 
MySerialNo device

Connectivity Status: ADB Device Connected
Information: Rebooting your device into bootloader mode...
adb reboot bootloader

Information: Checking Fastboot Connectivity
fastboot devices
MySerialNo fastboot

Connectivity Status: Fastboot Device Connected
Information: Rebooting your device...
Information: Waiting for your device...
Information: Device Detected
Information: Checking ADB/FASTBOOT Connectivity
adb devices
adb server is out of date.  killing...
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached 
MySerialNo device

fastboot devices

Connectivity Status: ADB Device Connected
Information: Rebooting your device into bootloader mode...
adb reboot bootloader

Information: Checking Fastboot Connectivity
fastboot devices
MySerialNo fastboot

Connectivity Status: Fastboot Device Connected
Launching flashstock.bat
Information: Checking ADB/FASTBOOT Connectivity
adb devices
List of devices attached 
MySerialNo device

fastboot devices

Connectivity Status: ADB Device Connected
Information: Rebooting your device into bootloader mode...
adb reboot bootloader

Information: Checking Fastboot Connectivity
fastboot devices
MySerialNo fastboot

Connectivity Status: Fastboot Device Connected
Information: Temporarily Booting modified boot.img to enable running privileged commands...
fastboot boot "C:\Program Files (x86)\WugFresh Development\Nexus Root Toolkit\data\Modified_Boot\modified_boot_nakasi_5.0.2_LRX22G.img"

Information: Waiting for your device...
Information: Device Detected
Information: Pushing root files to your device...
adb push "C:\Program Files (x86)\WugFresh Development\Nexus Root Toolkit\data\Root_Files\busybox-signed.zip" "/sdcard/!ReadyToFlash/Root_Files/busybox-signed.zip"
adb server is out of date.  killing...
* daemon started successfully *

adb push "C:\Program Files (x86)\WugFresh Development\Nexus Root Toolkit\data\Root_Files\UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip" "/sdcard/!ReadyToFlash/Root_Files/UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip"

adb push "C:\Program Files (x86)\WugFresh Development\Nexus Root Toolkit\data\Root_Files\perm-recovery-signed.zip" "/sdcard/!ReadyToFlash/Root_Files/"perm-recovery-signed.zip"

adb push "C:\Program Files (x86)\WugFresh Development\Nexus Root Toolkit\data\Root_Files\openrecoveryscript" "/cache/recovery/openrecoveryscript"

Information: Rebooting your device into bootloader mode...
adb reboot bootloader

Information: Checking Fastboot Connectivity
fastboot devices
MySerialNo fastboot

Connectivity Status: Fastboot Device Connected
Information: Flashing Custom Recovery to RECOVERY partition...
fastboot flash recovery "C:\Program Files (x86)\WugFresh Development\Nexus Root Toolkit\data\Recovery_Custom\TWRP\openrecovery-twrp-"

Information: Temporarily Booting TWRP...
fastboot boot "C:\Program Files (x86)\WugFresh Development\Nexus Root Toolkit\data\Recovery_Custom\TWRP\openrecovery-twrp-"

Information: Rooting...
Information: Waiting for your device...
Information: Device Detected


ユーザデータも、Android-001 root化(ISW13HT) 0.事前準備・予備知識での、
% adb backup / adb restore でほとんど綺麗に退避/復元してくれた。

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